The Church – Clear Stemless Champagne “Glass”


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Size: 9oz / 255ml Stemless PET Church Champagne glass. Custom-made souvenir of your visit to The Church. Printed with The Church logo

PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) plastic is a sustainable packaging solution with a lower carbon footprint than other plastics. It requires less energy to produce than new plastics, which can help suppliers and manufacturers save money and reduce their energy consumption. PET is also 100% recyclable and can be recovered and recycled into new products again and again, reducing the amount of resources wasted. PET is the most recycled plastic because of its multiple advantages over other types of plastic.

Custom-made souvenirs of our historic 1857 heritage-listed property, which was previously known as St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, built for the many Scottish immigrants who settled in this area.

Our items can be purchased individually or added to your custom-created Tasmanian gift hamper.   We create all our gourmet, quality hampers, right here at The Church, in the Heart of Tasmania, where we put the heart into your Tasmanian experience.

We pride ourselves on sourcing the very best local products and produce, to make the ideal Tasmanian gift you’ll be proud to give and which the recipient will cherish as a unique gift, prepared with Tassie care and touches like no other.